FREE Online Presentation
Adulting 101
How to Protect Your Loved Ones in the Face of Tragedy through Estate Planning
MASTERCLASS: Legal Life Planning For Families
WHY you need an estate plan, even if you aren't rich. (And how it may be even more important for families of modest means).
The 3 things your estate plan must include to keep your money out of the hands of the government (and almost certainly doesn't right now, even if you've worked with a lawyer).
How often your Will or Trust needs to be reviewed and updated to ensure they work and don't become a pile of expensive, and useless, paper in the desk drawer or bookshelf.
What estate planning should cost and who pays the cost of a "too cheap" plan
Saturday, June 23, 9:30am
Monday, June 28, 6:00pm
Don't Leave Your Family at Risk of Faulty Planning
Enter your info below to receive your webinar link
Free Gift Upon Registration: We'll send you the best-selling book on legal planning for families, Wear Clean Underwear—our gift to you.
What Kelly's Clients Are Saying...
"It's tough for me to really express how grateful I am to you... I really felt cared for and protected through all this, and that is something that I'm not sure I would have had with any other lawyer. . . Without a doubt, I hold you in the highest regard and feel a perennial oweyouone... Thank you.”
-Mr. Simon
"I appreciate how accessible you always were and the integrity with which your firm operated. Thanks so much to you and your staff.”
-Mimi Z.
"I don't know if you understand Yiddish, but you have been a real 'mensch' concerning us. You gave us good solid advice that I really do feel has led us to the best probable result.... Having so little experience with attorneys in the past, I feel very fortunate to have found you and your firm.”
-David C.

Kelly will guide you to take charge and ensure you have done the right thing for your family.
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